Monday, 4 May 2009

Keep Your Account Hack-Free!

People have been asking how to make their accounts safe from hackers. Read these points below to make the most of being safe.

1. It's the obvious on, but NEVER give out your password - to anyone. Even people who claim they can give you things, or if they say they can get the stuff back that has been hacked from you before. PLEASE. I don't want people being hacked!
2. Add people you know in real, and people you can trust. Some people can hack you, by just you accepting their friend request.
3. Don't swap accounts. This is highly dangerous, and most likely - you wont get your account back.
4. Change your pass often. Like once or twice every few months. Also, make it hard to guess. I mean, if your account name is DannyFlam12321234 and your profile says 'I'm DannyFlam and i'm 18' don't make your password 'DannyFlam18' - Just obvious!
5. Risk going and visiting Hackers profiles. This gives them an account to track down. Yours.
6. Don't trade with some one you can't trust. Make sure the person you're trading with has refrenceses, so you can check he/she's a safe trader. Make sure you know what you're doing with the codes/stardollars. The thing is, if you get hacked this way, Stardoll cannot give you anything back, or ban the person who hacked you. This is only becuase Stardoll says on the rules and conditions 'NO ONE SHALL SELL THERE ITEMS/ACCOUNTS FOR MORE THAN 60$, AND TRADING IS FORBIDDEN. IF SOME ONE DOES THIS, IT'S THERE OWN RISK' So avoid trading if you can
7. Don't give subtle hints to your password. As in, if they ask questions like 'Fav colour? Animal?' This gives people a rough idea of your password, so as I said - Make it hard to guess. Something envloving numbers and letters. And over 15 characters is ideal. So something like 12309OKbabe00
8. Don't give out your email. If you have to, make a new one. Just incase the person has a password unlocking system for the certain email address you're using, such as Hotmail or Yahoo. So they have no way to get to your Stardoll infomation.
9. Make sure you don't give it to friends - even over the phone. You may think you can trust them, but no one really knows anyone...
10. Even following the above won't garentie that you will be safe. But you will definatly be safer.